Crafting a Tailored ABM Strategy

  • RAD Matrix Formulation

    Our journey begins with the formulation of a "Retain-Acquire-Define" (RAD) matrix. This strategic tool segments business accounts into clear categories, providing a solid foundation for ABM interventions.

  • Goal Alignment with Internal Teams

    Collaborating with internal stakeholders, particularly sales teams, we set and align goals. This involves defining budgets and expected outcomes across both existing and new industries.

  • Tactics Alignment Across Personas

    Our strategy entails aligning marketing tactics with customer personalities and personas, along with internal sales ratings, to ensure a cohesive and impactful approach.

  • Account Identification and Database Creation

    We methodically identify target accounts and build opt-in databases, ensuring precise and effective stakeholder targeting.

  • Marketing Calendar Development

    We meticulously plan marketing activities, including email campaigns to set up sales meetings, participation in trade shows and events, comprehensive content plans, and joint activation triggers based on prospect activities.

  • Leveraging Cutting-Edge ABM Tools

    Utilizing a suite of sophisticated tools, we enhance the ABM process across awareness, consideration, and conversion stages. These tools are integral in crafting a seamless and efficient ABM strategy.

  • Measuring and Adapting

    We believe in the power of data-driven decision-making. By continuously monitoring and analyzing the performance of ABM strategies, we adapt and refine our approach to ensure optimal results.


The GRX10 Edge in ABM

Collaboration is our mantra. Working closely with your product development team, we blend external market intelligence with your insights to create a robust business plan. Our focus on market analysis and competitive positioning guarantees your product stands out.

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