We offer a full range of
product marketing services!

Product marketing zooms in on defining a specific product, identifying gaps in the market, setting a profitable price point, and promotions —highlighting the products features, benefits, and how it meets customer needs.
Our seasoned teams, with a history of managing multi-million-dollar product lines across B2B and B2C sectors, bring unparalleled insights into product lifecycle mastery.

  • Strategic Business Planning

    Comprehensive business strategies encompassing investment thesis, product segmentation, and ROI-focused financial planning

  • Customer Value Proposition

    We blend market research and customer insights with innovative frameworks, sharpening your product’s competitive edge

  • Go-To-Market Excellence

    Our GTM strategies are not just plans, but pathways to market leadership.

product marketing


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Our Product Marketing Services

New Product Business Plan

New Product Business Plan

Our NPP provides a data-driven plan to transform a vision into a market leader, incorporating market analysis, customer insights, segmentation , and financial assessments.

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New Product Business Plan

Value Based Pricing

We tap into your consumers core to improve your profit margins while ensuring that the value proposition.

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New Product Business Plan


Our unique approach is all about creating a tangible connection between your brand and its diverse stakeholders...

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New Product Business Plan

Account Based Marketing

GRX10 helps to navigate the intricacies of launching your product with a meticulously crafted New Product Business Plan (NPP). This plan isn't just a document; it's the roadmap to transforming your vision into a market sensation.

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Looking for something else ?

Didn’t find what you were looking for, we are well-equipped to assist you with all your marketing needs. Feel free to get in touch with us or just send a ‘hi’ to collab and let us help you with wonderful solutions related to marketing.
