Our offering

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Product Marketing

Pioneering market success

At GRX10, we redefine product marketing. Our seasoned teams, with a history of managing multi-million-dollar product lines across B2B and B2C sectors, bring unparalleled insights into product lifecycle mastery.

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Product Marketing

New Product Business Plan

GRX10 helps to navigate the intricacies of launching your product with a meticulously crafted New Product Business Plan (NPP). This plan isn't just a document; it's the roadmap to transforming your vision into a market sensation.

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Product Marketing

Value Based Pricing

Discover the power of Value Based Pricing strategy, where tapping into consumer's value improves your profit margins while ensuring that the value proposition of the product is well-understood in the context of the competitive scenario.

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Product Marketing


At GRX10, we bring to the table a profound understanding of both B2B and B2C market dynamics. Our unique approach is all about creating a tangible connection between your brand and its diverse stakeholders – be it your sales team, the discerning end consumer, or vital intermediaries.

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Product Marketing

Account Based Marketing

In the intricate world of B2B marketing, the prowess of Account Based Marketing stands unparalleled in its capacity to bolster sales performance and curtail customer acquisition costs. GRX10 harnesses the power of ABM, transforming it into a spearhead for targeted marketing endeavors

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Digital Marketing

Elevate your online presence

In an era where 86% of people are digitally connected, digital marketing stands as a transformative force. GRX10 leverages this to connect businesses with their audience, driving growth and engagement. Our impact includes leads generation, cost-effective strategies, long-Term customer value and enhanced online visibility

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Digital Marketing

Customer engagement

In the digital era, where most people spend around 7 hours online daily, digital marketing's role in forging strong customer connections is vital. It’s not just about reaching out; it’s about resonating with your audience. Our approach at GRX10 focuses on turning every interaction into a lasting relationship.

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Digital Marketing

Enhancing website engagement

Website engagement measures how effectively your site captivates and retains visitors. It’s a crucial indicator of how well your site resonates with its audience, encompassing various elements from content relevancy to user interaction.

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Digital Marketing

Social media marketing

In today’s digital age, GRX10's social media marketing strategies are not just about visibility; they're about creating a lasting impact. Our expertise in digital marketing and brand awareness ensures your brand not only appears on social media but also resonates deeply with your audience.

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E - Commerce

Evolution - Navigating the digital marketplace

In an era where digital commerce is not just an option but a necessity, GRX10 stands at the forefront, guiding businesses through the transformative landscape of e-commerce. With an estimated influx of 1 billion new shoppers this decade, the digital marketplace is set to witness an unprecedented expansion.

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E - Commerce

Logistics - streamlining for success

In the bustling realm of e-commerce, efficient logistics are the backbone of success. At GRX10, we specialize in refining your supply chain and logistics to bolster your e-commerce platform's efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Our comprehensive approach is tailored to fit businesses of all sizes, from nimble startups to large-scale enterprises.

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E - Commerce

Listings - mastery with GRX10

At GRX10, we understand that a robust e-commerce program begins at its core – with meticulously crafted product listings. We dive deep into data quality and completeness, laying a strong foundation for your consumer products to shine in the digital marketplace.

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Digital marketing

Search Engine Optimization

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a comprehensive set of strategies employed by brands to enhance their website's visibility on search engines like Google and Bing. The primary goal is to elevate the website's ranking, thereby driving organic traffic.

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Digital marketing

Paid Marketing

paid marketing is the strategy of acquiring ad space across digital platforms to promote products or services in either text or visual formats. This method capitalizes on the vast networks of platforms like Meta, LinkedIn, and Google.

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